Thursday, December 11, 2008

Blogo Must Go

While I agree that Governor Blogo of Illinios should resign, I'm not exactly sure why there is such an outrage. He wanted the person who he will appoint to pay for the appointment. This is the same thing every other politician does -- buy his or her seat. Folks, Joe Biden was the least wealthy member of the Senate, and he's worth a million. Elected politics is a rich man's game -- where else will someone pay millions during a campaign for a job that pays less than $200K?

In the military, when you relieve a Commanding Officer, you don't say "So and so did this or that." You simply say, "I have lost faith in So and So's decision-making ability."

With Blogo knowing he was under investigation, he still made the stupid statements and moves. I have lost faith in his decision-making ability.

Also, stay tuned ... me thinketh Jessie Jr doth protest too much. There is going to be some fire with that smoke. After the election of Barack Obama, I wonder how Jessie Sr. and Al Sharpton will try to paint this as a racial issue.

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